Annie's Journey in the USCG

July 24, 2010

This blog was created for my beautiful baby girl, Annie who is about to leave on her long awaited journey into the United States Coast Guard.

It is with both sadness and joy that I am creating this blog so that family and friends can follow her journey.

Sadness because she is my baby girl and I will miss her terribly! Joy because I know this is something she has wanted to do with her life and I have no doubt that she will succeed! In fact, she will excel! Annie is a very determined young woman and when she sets her mind to do something, watch out. She strives for perfection and that will only enhance her performance and journey while in the USCG.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coast Guard Recruit Company Zulu 183 weekly journal posted Oct. 5, 2010


Today was weird. I can't tell if it was good or bad. We got 100% on our uniform inspection (According to Petty Officer Bailey). And we made all of our time objectives this morning...But our general knowledge and responding correctly was horrible! We got up in a weird funk this morning. Zulu is starting to feel that week five nose dive coming on. WE had the pugil stick fights today and it was awesome! We celebrated the anniversary of the death of Douglas Munro today (the only coast guard medal of honor winner). The regiment took the time to appreciate one of the greatest heroes in coast guard history. Anyways, I've come up with a few things you realize when you're in boot camp. You know you're in boot camp when: Sleeping in is waking up at 6:00am on Sundays; Your hair is so stiff it could deflect bullets (females); the most exciting part of your day is when you get to eat your granola bars (we call them our yum yums); the females get mad when you leave the toilet seat DOWN; You start having nightmares about people with smokey bear covers; shaving your legs is a privilege; you're capable of falling asleep while standing up; and you definitely know you're in boot camp when you forget your first name. That's basic training for you!


Zulu had a pretty good day today. We were issued our dress uniforms and shoes. We had a few classes. The seamanship class was fun. We got to shoot flares and different signaling devices. We also practiced our radio communication skills on walkie talkies. Chief Johnson said we're doing ok for week five and if we stay on track we won't do the nose dive!


We just got our orders! It was so cool. We went outside to the end of the parade field and one by one our names were called by our company commanders and they told us our orders. Then we ran up to the bell, rang it three times, and repeated back our orders! There were a few people who got stationed in Alaska, a few in Hawaii, and one in Guam. They were all stoked! I think everyone is pretty much happy with their stations except a couple people. Zulu is so relieved to know where we're all going and we only have 22 days until the journey and the adventures begin! We learned how to properly dawn a life jacket today, and had a competition to see who could put one on the fastest.


We got to do a little research today on our units. Everyone was really excited for that. We also got to make a 5 minute phone call to tell our families where we were stationed! Two new recruits were rephrased into Zulu company. Both females. And we're still doing really good for week five. Nothing too bad has happened yet. We still don't have our colors yet but we're close. Zulu can see them coming our way within the next week or so. On baser liberty should be coming up too next Saturday if we keep up the good behavior and we'll get to make as many phone calls as we want! But we have to earn it. Hopefully we will.


Zulu had their smallpox vaccinations today. Two shots on our right arm and then we got jabbed 15 times on the left! Surprisingly, it didn't hurt too bad. We went on another company run today right after dinner, and we had a class on travel plans and how to get to our stations. We have an art crew now and they will be designing t-shirts for Zulu company! Everyone is looking forward to seeing the outcome.


Zulu got their colors today! We were so surprised because Petty Officer Bailey usually doesn't give them away until after the manual of arms test during week six! But he said both him and Chief Johnson agreed that we deserve them, especially since we didn't do the week five nose dive. We ran the confidence course today for the first time. That's part of how they presented the colors to Zulu. The course was pretty tough and a lot of people had a tough time getting over the wall and climbing the rope at the end. So when everyone finished, Petty Officer Bailey asked who couldn't climb the rope but was close. We raised our hands and he picked someone and told the company if that person could get the colors, then we could have them. Zulu did a right face, and there they were. Hanging from the top of the rope were the Zulu colors! So we all started running across the field screaming and chanting for our shipmate to climb up there and get them! It was an awesome feeling! We were screaming the whole time. We could tell it was getting tough. But she pulled through and got all the way to the top! So we sang cadence with our colors and pennants back to the front of Healy hall. When we got there we attacked the hall, which means we ran all the way to the top floor screaming at the top of our lungs the entire way back to our squad-bays! That was pretty fun too. Today was the best day! After that we talked with our mentor for a couple hours and got to ask him a bunch of questions, and we had choir practice too. Now we just have to make it through week six to get to our on base liberty on Saturday. So that’s what we're looking forward to now.

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